
 'Rural Empowerment - Challenges and Pathways' An Inspiring Talk for Budding Management Students at the Indian Education Society's Management College & Research Center (IESMCRC) 

1st November 2023

Dr. Ritu Sinha,
Fellow of NITIE, Associate Professor (Marketing and Research), IES's Management College and Research Centre

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for gracing our institution with your presence and sharing your invaluable insights during your recent guest lecture.

Your presentation not only captivated our students and faculty but also left a lasting impact. The depth of knowledge and expertise you shared on the subject was truly remarkable. Your contribution has not only enriched the learning experience for our students but has also inspired them to think critically and explore the subject matter further.

We are genuinely grateful for your willingness to share your expertise, and we hope that this is the beginning of a lasting relationship between you and our institution. Your presence has undoubtedly made a significant difference, and we look forward to collaborating with you and involving our students in future endeavors.

On April 8th 2023, Nitin Orayan conducted an online Zoom Satsang – 9.30 am to 12 pm, specially for Yoga teachers and students for the Sangha of Leaping Lotus Wellness Center (Lina Leelah) in NJ & the Sangha of Heartways Yoga Studio, Ireland. The Satsang touched all participants deeply and here are a few testimonials from the participants; 

Dr Lisa Brinkmann, West Cork, Ireland....

It’s an honour for me to be able to sit close to a teacher with so much lived experience and wisdom as you have. While the pandemic has brought a lot of suffering in many shapes and forms to the world, it has also opened new doors and ways for us to connect and be close to each other, even when we are living in opposite parts of the world. I am very grateful for that.

I really appreciated and could resonate deeply with your “mental asanas”.

....So being able to be part of Satsangs that share and teach so deeply are so valuable to me and I am Really grateful that you made this available to us.

Melanie, Yoga Teacher, New Jersey.....

The morning online Satsang of April 8th was lovely! Nitin discussed multiple concepts that I was still reflecting on days later, and will continue to keep in mind moving forward. I left the Satsang with a feeling of peace and balance. Thank you, Nitin!

Janet, Yoga Student, New Jersey.....

I was very fortunate to attend Nitin's live webinar "Light of Seva Dharma." The webinar was a truly special time as Nitin has shared his valuable insights on making our lives happier and us healthier. My favorite part was learning  about  mindful eating as it presents a personal challenge for me. It looks like we can "re-wire" our minds using strategies outlined by Nitin, and it seems to be doable!

The music and chants during the breaks  have deeply touched my heart. I am  thankful to Nitin for sharing his words of wisdom, and appreciate this unique opportunity to learn from him.

Lina Leelah, Yoga Teacher and Founder of Leaping Lotus Wellness centre, New Jersey....

I first met Nitin at the unveiling of Mukunda Kutir, built at Learning Space Foundation in rural India.

Our genuine passion for people soon became our connection. There is a deep understanding that threads are being woven together through seeking, sharing and holding space for community to safely gather.

Through Nityananda this has all come alive. We have had many conversations and video chats over the years and there’s s deep rooted intention for each of us.

Nitin’s work has touched me very deeply and it’s incredibly beautiful to see what Learning Space has become.

It has been such a blessing to have Nitin as a friend, a colleague, and part of my deep personal sangha.