Upcoming Events

Dear Friend in Yoga,

On April 8th 2023, we came together in an online Satsang on Zoom titled ‘The Light of Seva Dharma’ from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm (Ireland time) and felt the divine synergy of our hearts in that moment – To acknowledge & recognise the discipline of Yoga to be leading us deeper into postures of the mind, using selected scriptural chants (shlokas) to enable in us a ‘shift’ towards the inner state of steadiness, stability, and equipoise. These revelations are mind-heart openers that can transform our perception of the lives we lead and the worlds we create.

 And this knowledge will expand within us only when we sustain the interest, imbibe the learning, and grow deeper into it with regular practice.

Saraswati Bella Hancock & Lina Leelah Carpenito invite you to an online session titled ‘Befriend the Mind’ with Nitin Orayan, to go forward into this discipline of steadying the mind, and to deepen the ‘shift’ that we experienced in the 3 hours online sessions with him in April, as he promises to rekindle that learning & knowing with his experiential knowledge of the Light of Seva Dharma. 

Please contact Lina Leelah – Email: leapinglotusfit@gmail.com, Phone: 201-903-5028 for booking your seat in the Satsang on the 16th September

I am intensely thirsty, and I am only looking to quench it,

with no other thought or feeling

And when I see you intensely thirsty, can I rise above the division

between my thirst and yours…. And serve You as I would serve myself

And open the doors to the Oneness in You and Me.


What is Seva (or serving selflessly)?

Serving selflessly is not very difficult…but needs to be understood how a thought, word or action becomes an active example of ‘serving selflessly’.

At the outset, I want to clarify that the word ‘selfless’ sounds heavy and a bit intimidating. The reason for this uneasy feeling emerging from this word arises from our way of life that is completely self-centred -revolving all around ‘me’ and ‘mine’. And this self-centred way of living out our lives has made it near impossible to configure a different way to ‘be’.

But we can change this with little baby steps in the direction of living out ‘complete trust’ in ourselves – with establishing a belief that we don’t have to incessantly live with the fear & insecurity of ‘What about me?’ – and turning that around to the knowing that ‘I’ll be fine 

The list of these instances is an endless one that may collectively offer you many lifetimes of opportunities to ‘serve selflessly’.

Why Seva is an important aspect of your life?

At all times, life is handing out a chance to us to break through the fear & insecurity of ‘me and mine’ and our obsession of why we must constantly protect and promote our interests. Our sense of self seems to constantly either balloon up OR shrink down before something else, causing a rush of pleasure and pain, intense emotional ups and downs that zap us of all our energies and leave us physically & mentally drained out- and this is very common.

And this needs to turn around - simply by placing our attention to becoming the ‘one’ to step into the moment as an able arm of divinity and apply our energies outside the gambit of pleasing the ‘me & mine’.

Try it – the ability to transform a moment by stepping in to ‘give’ freely and unconditionally is a great fodder for your spirit.

Your spirit soars when thought, word, and action flowing through you nourishes, nurtures, encourages, helps, supports, flourishes, works for the good of someone who is meant to receive from you. In effect, you learn to draw and channelize the divine universal flow of energy through you to anyone and everyone who is meant to be receiving it in some form or other that lights up their lives.

Ahead on this path, you become like the tree that offers its shade and like the flowing stream that offers its clean water. A fountain of Joy springs up from your being, as you learn to make this way of being your own. 

Come and join me in the sessions where I explore this unique power of a god gift to humans…Your life will never be the same again.

- Nitin Orayan